Practical Web Development
(CSCI 39548) : Summer 2021
Instructor: Melissa Lynch
Slack workspace:
Class 1 (Th 5/27)
- Course logistics, set up Slack
- Set up git
- GitHub Pages Tutorial
- Feature Branch Workflow
Recommended: supplemental materials
Assignment 1
- Due on Friday 6/4 at 11:59 PM
- Documentation: Assignment #1
Class 2 (Tu 6/1)
- Eloquent JavaScript Chapter 3: Functions
- Eloquent JavaScript Chapter 4: Objects and Arrays
- Eloquent JavaScript Chapter 5: Higher Order Functions
Class 3 (Th 6/3)
- Finish JS, release Assignment 2
- MDN: Intro to the DOM
Required: watch for next class
Recommended: supplemental materials
- Eloquent JavaScript Chapter 13: JavaScript and the Browser
- Eloquent JavaScript Chapter 14: The Document Object Model
- Eloquent JavaScript Chapter 15: Handling Events
Assignment 2
- Due Monday 6/14 at 11:59 PM
- Documentation: Assignment #2
Class 4 (Tu 6/8)
- Finish up the DOM, release Assignment 3
- DOM Example
- Intro to React (slides)
For next class: required videos (watch all in the series)
Assignment 3
- Due Monday 6/14 at 11:59 PM
- Documentation: Assignment #3
Class 5 (Th 6/10)
Extra practice:
Supplemental materials:
Required: watch for next class
Class 6 (Tu 6/15)
- Promises, async/await, asynchronous JavaScript
- Demo: fetching data from an API and displaying the results using React
Chrome extensions used in class:
Supplemental materials:
- In-depth article on async/await
- Video: async/await
- Eloquent JavaScript: Asynchronous Programming
- MDN: Fetch API
- MDN: Promise
- Axios tutorial
Class 7 (Th 6/17)
- React-Router (slides)
- Assignment 4
Recommended materials for next class:
- Redux: comprehensive tutorial by Dan Abramov, the creator of Redux (Part 1) (Part 2)
- Article on thunks in Redux
- Coding example using thunks
Assignment 4
- Due Friday 7/2 at 11:59 PM
- Bank of React
Class 8 (Tu 6/22)
- Managing state in React applications with Redux
- Intro to Redux (slides)
- Thunk middleware (slides)
- Redux demo
Final Project (Fullstack CRUD App)
Supplemental materials:
(Th 6/24) !No class - Monday Schedule!
Class 9 (Tu 6/29)
Supplemental materials:
- Tutorial: Setting up a simple Node app with Express/Sequelize
- Relational database concepts
- Intro to Object-Relational Mapping
- Slides on databases
- psql commands
- Sequelize documentation
- Add an existing project to GitHub
- Downloads: PostgreSQL and Postman
Class 10 (Th 7/1)
- Final project backend 2
- Express/Sequelize
Class 11 (Tu 7/6)
- Work on final project
- Review exit assessment materials
Class 12 (Th 7/8)
- Exit assessment will be on Blackboard under Course Materials. It will be available from 6:00 - 7:00 PM.
- Work on final project